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23 Free Apps to Improve Writing Skills

Fine-Tune Your Craft: 23 Free Websites and Apps to Elevate Your Writing Skills

The pen is mightier than the sword, and in today’s digital age, a well-written piece can have more impact than ever before. Whether you’re a budding author, a diligent student, or a professional looking to polish your prose, the right tools can make all the difference. We’ve scoured the internet to bring you an arsenal of 23 free resources designed to sharpen your writing skills. Dive into a sea of possibilities where grammar guides hold hands with style advisors, and where your next breakthrough is just a click away.

1. Grammarly

Offerings: Free version available

Grammarly is synonymous with writing enhancement. It checks grammar, spelling, and punctuation in real-time, offering suggestions for improvement. The free version is a robust tool for everyday writing tasks.

Pros: Highly accurate, user-friendly, and integrates with multiple platforms.

Cons: More advanced features require a paid subscription.

Explore Grammarly

2. Hemingway Editor

Offerings: Free online version

Hemingway Editor is a virtual mentor that points out complex sentences and common errors, encouraging clear and concise writing. It’s excellent for refining prose to be reader-friendly.

Pros: Highlights hard-to-read sentences, passive voice, and adverbs.

Cons: Lacks specific grammar and spelling checks.

Visit Hemingway Editor

3. ProWritingAid

Offerings: Free basic online tool

ProWritingAid bridges the gap between grammar checking and style improvement. It provides detailed reports to help strengthen your writing over time.

Pros: Comprehensive writing reports, checks for repetitiveness and clichés.

Cons: Full range of features is restricted to premium users.

Try ProWritingAid

Free Apps to Improve Writing Skills

4. Evernote Web

Offerings: Free basic version

Evernote isn’t just for note-taking. Its web version provides a clear space for drafting and organizing your writing, syncing across devices effortlessly.

Pros: Organizational features, syncs across devices.

Cons: Monthly upload limit in the free version.

Check out Evernote Web

5. Google Docs

Offerings: Free

Google Docs is a collaborative word processing platform that not only allows for real-time grammar and spell checks but also offers voice typing and seamless sharing options.

Pros: Collaboration features, accessibility, ample storage with Google Drive.

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Cons: Requires an internet connection for full functionality.

Discover Google Docs

6. Draft

Offerings: Free

Draft is an online writing tool that prioritizes simplicity and version control. It provides insights into your daily writing habits and offers “Hemingway Mode” to keep the flow going.

Pros: Markdown support, version control, and productivity statistics.

Cons: The interface is not as modern as competitors.

Try Draft

7. 750 Words

Offerings: Free trial

750 Words is an online platform motivating writers to pen down at least 750 words daily, promoting the habit of regular writing in a private, uncluttered environment.

Pros: Encourages a daily writing routine, provides stats on your writing.

Cons: The site isn’t completely free – after the trial, it’s $5/month.

Explore 750 Words

8. Trelby

Offerings: Free

Trelby is a free, open-source screenwriting software that guides writers through the process of crafting screenplays, ensuring proper formatting and presentation.

Pros: Specialized for screenwriting, character name database.

Cons: Limited to screenwriting, minimalistic interface.

Visit Trelby

9. FocusWriter

Offerings: Free

FocusWriter features a distraction-free interface that helps writers concentrate on their words. Its customizability and writing statistics make for an encouraging and focused writing environment.

Pros: Timer and alarms, daily goals, customizable themes.

Cons: No editing tools like grammar checking.

Check out FocusWriter

Free Apps to Improve Writing Skills

10. LibreOffice Writer

Offerings: Free

LibreOffice Writer is a powerful word processing software that rivals premium software. It supports a wide variety of document formats and is fully equipped with all the necessary tools for drafting and editing.

Pros: Highly compatible with Microsoft Word documents, comprehensive writing tools.

Cons: Interface is not as sleek as some other word processors.

Discover LibreOffice Writer

11. Canva

Offerings: Free version available

Canva is known for graphic design but also offers writing templates such as resumes, presentations, and social media posts, allowing for an attractive presentation of written content.

Pros: Wide array of templates, intuitive design tools.

Cons: Some design elements are premium-only.

Explore Canva

12. Reedsy

Offerings: Free

Reedsy provides tools for book writing, offering a professional, clean interface that formats as you write, making the journey to authorship smoother.

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Pros: Professional book formatting, marketplace for professional editing services.

Cons: Not as feature-rich for shorter forms of writing.

Visit Reedsy

13. Readable

Offerings: Free basic tools

Readable offers text analysis tools to measure readability, grammar, and keyword density, which is beneficial for SEO writing and ensuring content is accessible.

Pros: Provides readability scores, helps optimize for SEO.

Cons: Comprehensive reports require a subscription.

Try Readable

Free Apps to Improve Writing Skills

14. GrammarCheck

Offerings: Free

GrammarCheck is an online tool that allows writers to paste text for a quick assessment of spelling and grammar errors, providing a simple, no-frills interface.

Pros: Instant feedback, straightforward use.

Cons: Doesn’t provide explanations or suggestions for improvement.

Check GrammarCheck

15. Wattpad

Offerings: Free

Wattpad is an online community for writers and readers, offering a platform to publish your work, receive feedback, and engage with a like-minded audience.

Pros: Active community, potential for reader feedback, mobile app available.

Cons: Quality varies widely, competitive environment.

Explore Wattpad

16. Cliché Finder

Offerings: Free

Cliché Finder identifies clichés and overused phrases in your text, helping to make your writing more original and engaging.

Pros: Simple to use, enhances creativity in writing.

Cons: Limited to finding clichés, no broader editing features.

Visit Cliché Finder

Free Apps to Improve Writing Skills

17. ZenPen

Offerings: Free

ZenPen offers a minimalist writing zone to quickly jot down thoughts and ideas without distractions. It embodies simplicity, featuring basic text formatting and a word count.

Pros: Extremely simplistic, zen-like writing environment.

Cons: Almost too basic for longer projects.

Try ZenPen

18. ToDoist

Offerings: Free version available

While Todoist is commonly used as a task manager, its straightforward interface can help writers organize their projects and set deadlines to stay on track.

Pros: Task organization, prioritize writing goals.

Cons: Advanced features locked behind a premium plan.

Check out Todoist

19. OneLook Thesaurus

Offerings: Free

OneLook Thesaurus helps break through writer’s block by offering synonyms and related concepts, giving your vocabulary a boost when you need it most.

Pros: Extensive database of synonyms, reverse dictionary feature.

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Cons: Purely a thesaurus, no editorial aid.

Discover OneLook Thesaurus

20. WritersDiet

Offerings: Free

WritersDiet is a diagnostic tool that checks your writing for “flabbiness,” encouraging you to trim down overly complex or wordy sentences.

Pros: Encourages concise writing, straightforward feedback.

Cons: Doesn’t offer specific improvements or edits.

Try WritersDiet

21. StayFocusd

Offerings: Free

StayFocusd is a browser extension that helps you stay focused by restricting the time spent on distracting websites, which can help writers avoid procrastination.

Pros: Customizable time restrictions, helps avoid distractions.

Cons: Only available on Google Chrome, no editing functions.

Explore StayFocusd


Offerings: Free basic membership is an online community that offers a space for sharing writing, getting reviews, and participating in writing contests and activities.

Pros: Interactive community, tools for growth.

Cons: Benefits of a full membership require payment.


23. Milanote

Offerings: Free version available

Milanote acts as a virtual storyboard, allowing writers to organize ideas and research visually. It’s an excellent tool for planning out projects from essays to novels.

Pros: Intuitive drag-and-drop interface, rich media support.

Cons: The free version has some limitations on storage.

Check out Milanote

Armed with these free resources, you’re well-equipped to tackle any writing challenge. From fine-tuning grammar to stimulating creativity, refining your style, and organizing your thoughts, there’s an app or website to support every aspect of the writing process. Whether you start with a single tool or incorporate a mix into your routine, you’re on the path to more compelling, clear, and effective writing. Remember, the journey of a thousand pages begins with a single word, so pick your digital pen and write on!

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